
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

 When hubby decides to try the chicken tractor idea, we had no clue it would be such a success. We had to buy a whole new chest freezer to put up all the groceries this man keeps hauling into the house. He is on a roll. So far ......
  • over 50 quarts of stewed tomatoes
  • 40 some odd bags of sliced squash
  • 6 qts spaghetti sauce
  • 10 qts of hash
  • 7 or so qts sliced zucchini
  • 5 or so gallons of stewed cabbage

 The okra and corn will be coming in soon, and he is planning a round of green beans, peas, and such to plant next. I`m excited to see him having so much fun, and it fun to make homemade spaghetti sauce. Here's how we did it.

We sliced the tops off the tomatoes, squeezed out all the seeds and juice, trimmed the other end off, and just threw them into the food processor. One you have enough, just cook on very low heat, add spices and we added some onions and bell peppers chopped up in the food processor. It didn`t take very long, and we had fresh sauce for our spaghetti that night. Best part is I knew exactly what was in preservatives or anything.

We had to trim the tomato plants and spruce up the garden after an incident in the garden. Apparently critters were enjoying our very lush little garden spot. Me and hubby were picking tomatoes by the laundry basket fulls one day and suddenly he says woman, go get the so of course my silly butt says "why? did you find a snake? " Needless to say he looks at me funny and says heck yeah i found a woman.....
So I tear off into the house, find a gun, and bullets..... run back to hubby who is looking kind of intimidated......and with my bare feet and shorts on run and throw everything at him. He says he found a copperhead.....a big one. so after he shoots the poor thing, about twice .... he looses it, cant find it anywhere......then I hear him almost shriek, its had done crawled over his shoe......So the snake is dead, hubby didn't get bitten, and he declares we are done in the garden for the day.  I wasn't as worried about the snake......I had more problems with the big wasp that flew up my shirt and the big  spider that I had on my arm.  Bugs just freak me out.....

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