The backyard is now home to a few chickens, some rabbits , and the cats.
The chickens (rhode island reds) we get eggs from, and use in our chicken tractor. The chicken tractor is basicaly an old dog kennel we move around the garden. The chickens break up the soil , and fertilize as they go. They also eat any insect larvae and errant weed seeds left behind. These guys do a better job of working the garden than that fancy tiller hubby bought.
The rabbits ( new zealand giants ) are going to be used for meat as well as bred to sell the babies for others looking for meat rabbits. Never have I seen such huge rabbits though. I`m used to the ones we all have seen , the cute little ones......well these new zealand ones are about the size of three of the little ones. They`re solid white with red eyes......kindqa remind me of the cadburry bunny.
The cats are strays that we accidentally adopted.....they just won`t go away. They have been known in the past to kill a snake or two, maybe a mouse every so often, but usually they can be found making prints on the cars. They also enjoy bird watching under the bird feeder, and meticulosly getting in your way when you`re carrying alot of groceries.
We have also just added baby ducks to the mix. We put them in a brooder with pine shavings, and a heat lamp. They are adorable and oh so very messy. I`m pretty sure the store should have told us they also stink to high heaven......but the girls just had to have them.
We are hoping to add pigs, and goats to our menagerie soon, and they will also play a substantial part in our mission, although never as important as the cats .
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