
Friday, April 6, 2012

Did you know......maybe you don`t wanna know

A few great  reasons why growing your own food is a good thing ........

After an afternoon of research on the net I came up with this :

  • Apparently butter is only yellow because companies add the coloring to it......real butter is whitish.
  • Vanilla ice cream and such is made from castoreum.....also known as beaver anal gland secretions......shudder...
  • Beetles,or  cochineal (as it is perhaps more commonly known), is used to dye foods red purple and pink, like fruit juices, wine, ect.
  • cysteine, made of human hair and duck bristles.....used as a dough enhancer for prepackaged breads
  • methylparaben......ugh....found in wines, soft drinks, and concentrated originates from the vagina's of dogs when they are in heat.....
  • the FDA states that an average of 30 or more insect fragments and 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams of peanut butter, a kid staple, is allowed, before any action is taken. An average of 60 or more aphids and/or thrips and/or mites per 100 grams of frozen broccoli is allowed while 5 or more fly eggs and 1 or more maggots per 100 grams of tomato juice is okay......
  • Brominated vegetable oil, a flame retardant......also found in sports drinks
  • civet coffee, very expensive, made from the poop of the civet creature....
  • Worcestershire sauce.....made of dissolved anchovies, bones and all
  • half of all grocery store meats contain MRSA......

Makes you think, huh?


  1. Ewwwwww.....wish I could just go back to living in the old times where you made all of your own food!

  2. Yuck!
    Found your blog on Gwd Tday. Do you live in Gwd? If so, we live outside of 96. Here's a link to my blog...
    We bought a farm and are trying to simplify life also. =) I don't see a "follow" link on your blog, or I'd sign up to follow ya and read your blog.
    My name is Beth, by the way. =)

  3. Very nice to meet you miss Beth, yes ma`m we do live in greenwood. Im very happy you enjoy the blog, I think there is a follow thing all the way at the bottom....on the way to check out your blog. Always nice to meet like minded folks.... :)

  4. Hmmm. I don't see the "follow" button thingy, but I'll figure it out. Nice to meet you too. =)
